Holding His Hand:
Hope when life feels hopeless

Reader Reviews

Have You Ever Felt Completely Hopeless?

After the tragic end of a marriage Nancy had fought hard to save, she isn’t even considering dating, let alone marrying again. But just as she’s beginning to enjoy life as a single mom to her two young children— one of whom has autism—her daughter asks an unexpected question: “Mommy, when do I get my stepdad?” Although caught completely off guard, Nancy finds a spark of renewed hope. Maybe she’ll remarry someday after all…if she meets the right person.

Although it’s been nearly seven years since Jeff lost his wife, he still misses the joy she brought to his life. As a widower with two kids to raise, he decides it’s time to consider dating. Following a series of definite “absolutely nots,” he finally says “yes” to Nancy, a funny, what-you-see-is-what-you-get mom of two. His hope of finding joy again is finally reborn.

In this candid and often humorous story of the everyday trials and joys of raising a blended family, providing lifelong care for a child with severe autism, and facing a medical challenge that changes their lives, Nancy and Jeff Cole share a testimony on Keeping Hope and love alive even when life is at its worst. If you’ve ever felt completely hopeless, their story will inspire you.

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